March 16, 2009

Spring Break.

This Spring Break, I went home to Naples without any real plans. I was going to try to pick up some hours at my summer job, but they had just hired a bunch of new people and didn't have any for me. I thought this would leave me with a lot of free time to hang out with friends, but instead I got sick and spent the majority of my time indoors watching television.

Here are some things I did...
1. Saw Slumdog Millionaire. Amazing.
2. Watched FOX news a lot and now I know pretty much everything about Bernie Madoff.
3. Created a Tumblr account.
4. Rediscovered the fact that old people can't drive.
5. Discovered Kohl's plays Brooke Frasier's music in their store. :)
6. Spent 4 hours talking at Jason's Deli with 2 amazing girls.
7. Found starfish on the beach.
8. Took antibiotics and Motrin and cough medicine Tuesday through Friday.

Now it is back to PBA and the real world. I have to go write an article for my internship at the Lake Worth Herald and start writing a Spanish paper for my Spanish Cinema class.


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