March 19, 2009

Let's have a tea party...

This week is going by pretty fast. I can't believe tomorrow is already Friday.

Right now, my roommate's friend/my new friend, Hannah, is here staying with us for her Spring Break. Hannah goes to the University of Arkansas and this is actually her first time in Florida. I love being with people when they experience Florida for the first time, because I was born and raised here and it’s a place that I love. It’s fun to watch people get excited over palm trees and the ocean.

This weekend is Amy’s birthday, so if you can comment on these blogs, or if you see her, be sure to wish her a happy birthday!!

This weekend is going to be a busy one for me, but I feel that I am getting back into the swing of things, after being sick and not doing a whole lot over Spring Break.

As a Journalism major, I am required to complete a 90-hour internship before I graduate. I am currently doing my internship with the Lake Worth Herald, a small weekly newspaper in Lake Worth. The experience has taught me a lot so far. I am learning how to work on deadline, which is something I have always struggled with. In the newspaper world, deadlines are vital. I’ve also had my articles published in the paper, which is very fun to experience! This experience is also teaching me to have more confidence in myself, and to do things as I think of them instead of waiting. Sometimes it is nerve-wrecking to pick up the phone and call a complete stranger to ask them questions about a story that I am writing, but it’s gotten easier with time.

This weekend I am going to be very busy with assignments. I am writing two articles and I am taking pictures at the Reggae Fest in Lake Worth on Saturday. This shall be a unique experience, I’m sure. I’ve never been to a reggae concert, but I think the music is cool and it will be cool to go out and take pictures and use a press pass to get into the event for free! I’ll try to post some pictures up here if I can.

Also, one of the articles that I am writing is about the Tax Day Tea Party. If you haven’t heard about it, you can find out more info at It is basically a reenactment of the Boston Tea Party in protest of big government spending. There are events going on in cities all over the U.S. Some cities are already having protests, but everyone is going to protest together on April 15th, which is tax day. If this is something you feel strongly about, find out if there is a protest planned near you and join in!

Well, that is all for now internet friends. I hope you all are having a lovely week.


shirts4freedom said...

Get your Tea Party gear at

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