March 20, 2009

Birthdays, Fajitas, and Monsoons.

Hey Folks!

It’s the end of another week here at PBA…..and everywhere else too I suppose. But my birthday is this weekend, so that should provide some entertainment. Vanessa’s birthday is at the end of next week, so that is fun that our birthday’s are so close. We have lived together, first suitemates and now roommates, for the last 3 years, so we usually have birthday celebrations together. Last year, our friends took us out to Outback Steakhouse for our birthday, along with one of our old suitemates Jeanette whose birthday is also the same week as Vanessa and mine. It was so cheerful! And I'm sure that this year will be just as fun! PS - the coasters that we are holding say, "it's out bloomin birthday!" In case you were wondering.

Random discovery at PBA: ok, so one of the campus dining facilities is called Common Ground CafĂ©. It has varied in the food choices for all 4 years that I have been here. Their food is okay, but this week I realized something new…..they have chicken fajitas. Now, I have always seen these on the menu options, but never really considered them, mostly because I was scared to try it and didn’t want to waste money on something I was not going to enjoy. Well, it turns out that they are pretty darn good! There is a tortilla and chicken (obviously) with some cheese and a little pepper and onion action sometimes too! Yum.

Also, just in case no one believed Ricky in his last blog, let me tell you that there was a mini-monsoon here today. I walked out of class and it started to lightly rain. Within 10 seconds of this it began to pour! No kidding. And the sun was brightly shining just minutes ago. The monsoon lasted for around 20 minutes and then it just stopped raining. I am looking forward to the sunshine again. Hopefully it will be a lovely and bright sun-shiny day in West Palm for my birthday!!!

Ok, well, to those who are reading, have a great weekend!


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