April 23, 2010

Newsflash: I do not know everything

College has been a very rewarding experience.  I have gained vast amounts of factual and theoretical knowledge from the great professors, staff and students at PBA.  I have studied countless hours and taken around 200 exams and written nearly the same amount of papers, some of them up to 20 pages long.  This is incredible just to think about all of the hard work I have put into my education.  It is most definitely worth it.  I know for a fact I am much smarter than when I entered PBA as a freshman in the fall of 2006.

I have also had my worldview shaped by the experiences in college.  Professors challenged my beliefs and values so that I could own and develop my own faith which is a combination of the faith of my family and the personal relationship I have with the Creator.  This was also developed by long conversations, sometimes well into the night, with roommates and friends.  I have become the real me and it is great.
One of the main ideas I have figured out during college is that I do not know everything.  There is so much related to God and life in general that are still completely a mystery.  In the past that might have been a problem, but you know what?  I am perfectly good with it.  It is good that I do not know everything, so that there is still more to learn after I graduate in 16 days.  Even though I will be graduating with a Bachelors Degree in Biology, I am excited that I can continue my education beyond college and learn even more about this amazing world we live in.  

I also thought that I would have my entire life figured out at this point.  It is quite humorous that I am not completely sure what I will be doing when August comes around, Spain is the plan – but plans change, much less the rest of life.  It is stressful, but more exciting than anything else.  There are so many opportunities afforded to me because of my education here at PBA.  Bring them on!


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