March 22, 2010

Bring on the Warm Weather

Spring has begun, well, it did two days ago.  I have been waiting, impatiently I might add, for this winter to end.  I do not like cold weather.  There is one exception to this rule, I can handle cold only when I am snow skiing.  It helps to have all the specialized clothing and layers.  I tolerate the cold for that week, and then want to be home in sunny Florida, hopefully on a beach.  I want to give all of you props who spend the winter up in the northern states, and when I say northern I mean Georgia and Alabama.  Everything else even farther north just seems ridiculously cold to me and I cannot even imagine an entire winter spent up in Illinois or North Dakota.  Despite a little bit of rain this morning, this has turned into a nice day in south Florida.  Much nicer than I would assume is happening in Chicago with a wind chill of 39° or even New York City for that matter, at 52°.  I am thankful that I was born in Florida but even more thankful that I decided to move south and get away from the artic cold in West Palm Beach.  I am pretty sure that no one is basking in the sun in a bathingsuit on Lake Michigan today, yet the beaches down here will be occupied.


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