January 29, 2010

Money makes the world go round

Private Christian education can be quite burdensome economically upon the individual. It does not matter if your parents are a billionaire or do not have any money, university education is expensive. An education at Palm Beach Atlantic University is not cheap, yet I believe it is definitely worth it. I am currently a senior, graduating this coming May. I am excited, yet also terrified (we will not get into that at the moment), about the coming changes that will occur in my life. I know that I will be prepared for whatever comes my way because of the excellent education I have received inside and outside the classroom. The professors at PBAU are very knowledgeable in their specific areas and are able to impart much of that wisdom into their students. The campus atmosphere and surrounding city also allow for learning outside the classroom. Downtown West Palm Beach is a great place to go to school and allows for numerous opportunities to experience college life, as well as a world-class urban city.
With all of that said, the current economic situation in our country does not allow for much financial freedom. PBA has a great scholarship program that awards monies to almost all admitted students. There are other government programs that can help to defer the cost of the education. One of those programs is provided by the state of Florida to Florida Residents. This scholarship is called the Florida Resident Access Grant, or FRAG for short. (you can access more information about the grant by clicking here). This grant is given to all Florida residents, regardless or need, to help offset the cost of a private school education. It allows you to choose a school that is perfect for you, without having to worry about the cost as much. The grant is usually around $3000 per semester, but has lowered slightly in recent years due to the economic turmoil and budget deficits currently attacking Florida.


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